FAQ Categories:
A. BRIKbc Token Model
B. Real Estate Property
C. Crypto Currency
D. Management of Real Estate Property and Crypto Currency Assets
E. General
F. Buying BRIK Tokens
A. BRIKbc Token Model
A1. What are BRIK Tokens?
Each BRIK Token is unique and is part of a series of Tokens issued against each respective Real Estate Property.
Each Series of Tokens will be named after an Australian native animal.
Each Token within a series will be matched against the specific share number in the series.
Token ID: BRIK<Property name><Token Number>
Example. Koala Property will have its Token series named as follows:
Token ID: BRIKkoala1 to BRIKkoala40000
A2. When is the Real Estate Property Purchased?
Once all BRIK Series Tokens are sold for the specific Property, then the property will be Purchased and Settled.
A3. Where does the Net Rent go?
The Net Rent is invested in Crypto Currency (in five major Crypto Currencies) at the end of each month.
A4. When will the Real Estate Property be Sold?
The Real Estate Property is held indefinitely.
A5. Who owns the Real Estate Property?
The Real Estate Property is purchased by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) - Australian private company for each individual Real Estate Property.
A6. Who owns the Crypto Currencies?
The Crypto Currencies are owned by the respective Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) - Australian private company that owns the Real Estate Property.
A7. Who owns the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Private Australian Company that owns the Real Estate Property?
The SPV Australian Company's shares are owned by Australian Property bc Pty Ltd (an Australian private company) and Bradelle Investments Pty Ltd (an Australian private company).
The unique BRIK Tokens created are matched against each individual Share owned by Australian Property bc Pty Ltd (regarding the respective Real Estate Property) and have the same rights as the respective share.
A8. Is there a Token/Coin for BRIKbc Projects Pty Ltd (Tokenisation Platform)?
There are no Tokens/Coins for BRIKbc Projects.
A9. Who is selling the BRIKbc Tokens?
Each BRIK Token series relating to the respective real estate property will be offered for Sale by our related Australian private company, Australian Property bc Pty Ltd, a company controlled by our Managing Director, Luis Miguel Aleixo.
Buyers will be able to purchase the initial sale of each Token from each of the BRIK Token series offered for sale.
In each BRIK Token series, Australian Property bc Pty Ltd will retain a percentage Tokens from each BRIK Token series to be held long term.
A10. How do I get my rent out that has been invested into crypto currency?
You are not able to seperate the rent, the cryptocurrency portfolio and the property from each other, as it is all owned by the respective SPV.
The BRIK Tokens get their value from the market value of the property, the market value of the crypto currency accumulated (crypto purchased with the Net Rent from the property each month) and the set of NFT art pieces it owns.
Each BRIK Token can be sold on the secondary market at any time after the BRIK Token is purchased.
A11. Are banks involved?
No banks are involved in purchasing the property.
B. Real Estate Property
B1. When is the Real Estate Property Purchased?
Once all BRIKbc Property Tokens are sold the Property will then be Purchased and Settled.
B2. How will I know what the property is worth each year?
A Property Valuation will be done on the property each year (as at 30 June) by a Qualified Independent Property Valuer.
B3. Are properties existing properties or newly builds.
The properties selected will be a mix of established properties and newly build properties.
Selected existing properties will always have an element of something we can change to add value with a simple renovation, which is included in the total cost of each new property.
Newly build properties selected will be driven by blue chip locations that we secure land.
C. Crypto Currency
C1. How often is crypto currencies purchased with net rent?
At the each of each month the net rent is used to purchase crypto currencies.
C2. When will Crypto Currencies be sold?
Crypto Currencies purchased will be held indefinitely.
C3.Where will I be able to look at what the property is valued?
A Valuation box will be placed on the relevant Property on the BRIKbc Projects website.
D. Management of Real Estate Property and Crypto Currency Assets
D1. Who will manage the Real Estate Property?
The Real Estate Property will be managed by internally by BRIKbc Projects Pty Ltd's related entities.
D2. Who will manage the Real Estate Property?
The Crypto Currencies will be managed internally by BRIKbc Projects Pty Ltd's related entities.
D3. What are the Asset Management Fees charged?
Management Fees of 15% of Monthly Gross Rent will be charged to cover the following activities:
- Management of Real Estate Property
- Management of Crypto Currencies
- Maintain Accounting Records for Special Purpose Private Company's (Property Owner)
- Management of Special Purpose Private Company's (Property Owner) to ensure company complies with all Federal Taxes, State Taxes, Local Council Taxes.
E. Management of Real Estate Property and Crypto Currency Assets
BRIKfamily BRIK community
BRIKy Someone who is part of the BRIK community.
BRIK BRIK Digital Property Tokens
BRIK Token Series A series of BRIK Tokens relating to a specific Real Estate Property,
BRIK Tokens Platform The Platform where BRIKs are purchased initially and managed.
BRIKkoala Brik Token Series relating to the Brisbane Property (within 5km of Brisbane CBD) named Koala.
USDC The Digital Currency stable coin used on the BRIK Token Platform to purchase BRIK Tokens. USDC$1 = US$1
F. Buying NFT Art for Tokenized Properties
F1. Why do BRIKbc Projects buy NFTs?
NFT Art pieces are purchased to be displayed inside the Tokenized Real Estate Properties, which will l provide added value to tenants leasing the luxury properties.
Each NFT art piece is also an Asset that is owned by the respective Property Token Series and its value adds to the overall value of the Property Token Series.
F2. Where are the NFT art pieces purchased?
All NFT art is purchased from artists that mint their art work on the Ravencoin blockchaiin.
Specifically NFT market places that sell NFT art minted on the Ravencoin blockchain (like Ravenist.com NFT Marketplace).
G. General
G1.How do I buy an initial BRIK Token from a BRIK Series?
You first subscribe for an account on the BRIK Tokens Platform (completing the process including KYC/AML check).
Deposit $USDC Cryptocurrency into the specific BRIK Token Series you are buying BRIKs in.
Use your $USDC in your BRIK Tokens Account to purchase BRIKs in the relevant BRIK Series.
G2. Where do I buy $USDC cryptocurrency
You can purchase $USDC cryptocurrency from any centralised or decentralised Cryptocurrency Exchanges around the globe.
We have engaged with CoinSpot to be our Cryptocurrency Exchange Service Provider.
See details below if you wish to sign up for a CoinSpot account by following the link to their website:
G3. Are BRIK Tokens Security Tokens, Financial Products or Investment Products?
All BRIK Tokens in all BRIK Tokens Series are not Security Tokens.
All BRIK Tokens in all BRIK Tokens Series are not Financial Products.
All BRIK Tokens in all BRIK Tokens Series are not Investments Products.